
Water Softener Manufacture and Supply

 Water Softener Manufacture and Supply, H20 Energiser, Water, Home systems, Agricultural Systems, Farming Systems, Totumflow, Totumgrow, Seed Germination, Fish Breeding, Bee Keeping

Sedge Green, Roydon, Harlow, CM19 5JY  (Show me directions)

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Totum Grow is described as a plant health wash and in this respect its ability to rapidly increase the growth of biomass and subsequent crop yield. This makes it a product that can be successfully used on all crops and vegetation.

The application is made by spraying directly onto the foliage in the normal way. Totum Grow can be applied on its own or in conjunction with fertilizers and biocides. Totum Grow is absorbed into the pores on the surface of leaves and accelerates the metabolic process which stimulates the activity

of naturally available enzymes and hormones in the plant. As a consequence, the plant feeds better, growing healthier, stronger, and faster, with an increased root mass, which overall results in the increase in biomass and higher yields.


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